Who is that young executive??? 😀
This pic, from a YouTube video, is from 2012.
I was President of Healthy Back Stores and Sit4less from 2010 to 2013. About 40 million in revenue in the Wholesale / Retail furniture space.
Before that, I had spent a couple of years at an apparel company as the COO doing about the same amount of revenue.
I was so stressed and worried about performing well and producing positive results, I don't remember "enjoying" it much or relishing the moment.
It was over fast. Soon I was over 50 years old and had started Riderflex.
What's my point of this post?
The average C-Level employee lasts between 3 and 5 years. It will be over (for most of us) before you know it. So, stop...take a deep breath and enjoy the moment when you can. It won't last forever.
#enjoytheride #lifeisshort #executivetenure #executiveturnover