My #1 piece of career advice as of July 23rd, 2024:
Select careers, jobs, functions, and companies with AI in mind. Ask yourself, will this function be replaced soon by AI and robotics? How much life does it have? Is it sustainable, or is it short-lived, meaning I'll soon be out of work? Don't be naive; pay close attention to what's happening.
My #2 piece of career advice right now:
Reskilling Challenge - If you're currently in a function that companies will likely soon replace with human capital, teach and educate yourself on something new RIGHT NOW. Do not wait.
In my opinion, here's the best way to think about it. Ask yourself, what can LLMs (large language models) like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini do RIGHT NOW better than you? What functional jobs have they already replaced? Now, let that sink in and remind yourself that their ability is only going to increase and get better. It's not going backwards.
Here's an example. How many of you right now are asking ChatGPT things that you used to pay a consultant for? Let that settle in your mind for a minute. Is one human brain from one consultant smarter than ChatGPT? I don't think so. Why would I ask a consultant something ChatGPT can give me in seconds for free?
Read this book:
The Coming Wave by Mustafa Suleyman
Pay attention. Lift your head up and keep your eyes looking forward down the road to assess what is coming.