Diversity your team with age

Diversity your team with age

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Remote is hear to stay

If hiring managers and companies think the desire and expectation from candidates to work remotely is going away, they're living in some sort of twilight fantasy world.

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#2 biggest mistake hiring managers make.

Refusing to speak with or meet recommended candidates from their recruiting resource, simply because they didn't think the resume was perfect enough

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Hiring Managers and Recruiters – check your ego

I want to address a crucial aspect of the hiring process that often gets overlooked – the relationship and communication between recruiters and hiring managers. In our quest to find the perfect candidate, we sometimes forget that collaboration and open-mindedness play a pivotal role in making the best selection.

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Having been in a leadership role, interviewing and hiring people now for over 30 years, combined with running a recruiting firm for a living, I have a few thoughts on the topic. This blog content was taken from a Riderflex Podcast tip I put out a couple of years ago.

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As you eagerly awaited the arrival of that "perfect" job candidate on paper, your team suffered a painful six-month slump in productivity.

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I’ve been interviewing, hiring, managing, and leading people for over 30 years. For much of my career as an executive for other companies and for the last 7 years with my own recruiting firm.

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Here's a great coffee table book!

Here's a great coffee table book! 😍 "The Riderflex Guide: Inspiring & Hiring".

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In the market for a new job?

In the market for a new job? In the market for a new job?

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